3 LECTURE Reproducible Research and R Markdown

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3.1 Introduction

This lecture will be about reproducible reporting, and I want to take the opportunity to cover some basic concepts and ideas that are related to reproducible reporting, just in case you haven’t heard about it or don’t know what it is.

Before we get to reproducibility, we need to cover a little background with respect to how science works (even if you’re not a scientist, this is important). The basic idea is that in science, replication is the most important element of verifying and validating findings. So if you claim that X causes Y, or that Vitamin C improves disease, or that something causes a problem, what happens is that other scientists that are independent of you will try to investigate that same question and see if they come up with a similar result. If lots of different people come up with the same result and replicate the original finding, then we tend to think that the original finding was probably true and that this is a real relationship or real finding.

The ultimate standard in strengthening scientific evidence is replication. The goal is to have independent people to do independent things with different data, different methods, and different laboratories and see if you get the same result. There’s a sense that if a relationship in nature is truly there, then it should be robust to having different people discover it in different ways. Replication is particularly important in areas where findings can have big policy impacts or can influence regulatory types of decisions.

3.2 What’s Wrong with Replication?

What’s wrong with replication? There’s really nothing wrong with it. This is what science has been doing for a long time, through hundreds of years. And there’s nothing wrong with it today. But the problem is that it’s becoming more and more challenging to do replication or to replicate other studies. Part of the reason is because studies are getting bigger and bigger.

In order to do big studies you need a lot of money and so, well, there’s a lot of money involved! If you want to do ten versions of the same study, you need ten times as much money and there’s not as much money around as there used to be. Sometimes it’s difficult to replicate a study because if the original study took 20 years to do, it’s difficult to wait around another 20 years for replication. Some studies are just plain unique, such as studying the impact of a massive earthquake in a very specific location and time. If you’re looking at a unique situation in time or a unique population, you can’t readily replicate that situation.

There are a lot of good reasons why you can’t replicate a study. If you can’t replicate a study, is the alternative just to do nothing, just let that study stand by itself? The idea behind a reproducible reporting is to create a kind of minimum standard or a middle ground where we won’t be replicating a study, but maybe we can do something in between. The basic problem is that you have the gold standard, which is replication, and then you have the worst standard which is doing nothing. What can we do that’s in between the gold standard and diong nothing? That is where reproducibility comes in. That’s how we can kind of bridge the gap between replication and nothing.

In non-research settings, often full replication isn’t even the point. Often the goal is to preserve something to the point where anybody in an organization can repeat what you did (for example, after you leave the organization). In this case, reproducibility is key to maintaining the history of a project and making sure that every step along the way is clear.

3.3 Reproducibility to the Rescue

Why do we need this kind of middle ground? I haven’t clearly defined reproducibility yet, but the basic idea is that you need to make the data available for the original study and the computational methods available so that other people can look at your data and run the kind of analysis that you’ve run, and come to the same findings that you found.

What reproducible reporting is about is a validation of the data analysis. Because you’re not collecting independent data using independent methods, it’s a little bit more difficult to validate the scientific question itself. But if you can take someone’s data and reproduce their findings, then you can, in some sense, validate the data analysis. This involves having the data and the code because more likely than not, the analysis will have been done on the computer using some sort of programming language, like R. So you can take their code and their data and reproduce the findings that they come up with. Then you can at least have confidence that the analysis was done appropriately and that the correct methods were used.

Recently, there’s been a lot of discussion of reproducibility in the media and in the scientific literature. The journal Science had a special issue on reproducibility and data replication. Other journals of updated policies on publication to encourage reproducibility. In 2012, a feature on the TV show 60 minutes looked at a major incident at Duke University where many results involving a promising cancer test were found to be not reproducible. This led to a number of studies and clinical trials having to be stopped, followed by an investigation which is still ongoing.

Finally, the Institute of Medicine, in response to a lot of recent events involving reproducibility of scientific studies, issued a report saying that best practices should be done to promote and encourage reproducibility, particularly in what’s called ’omics based research, such as genomics, proteomics, other similar areas involving high-throughput biological measurements. This was a very important report. Of the many recommendations that the IOM made, the key ones were that

  • Data and metadata need to be made available;

  • Computer code should be fully specified, so that people can examine it to see what was done;

  • All the steps of the computational analysis, including any preprocessing of data, should be fully described so that people can study it and reproduce it.

3.4 From “X” to “Computational X”

What is driving this need for a “reproducibility middle ground” between replication and doing nothing? For starters, there are a lot of new technologies on the scene and in many different fields of study including, biology, chemistry and environmental science. These technologies allow us to collect data at a much higher throughput so we end up with these very complex and very high dimensional data sets. These datasets can be collected almost instantaneously compared to even just ten years ago—the technology has allowed us to create huge data sets at essentially the touch of a button. Furthermore, we the computing power to take existing (already huge) databases and merge them into even bigger and bigger databases. Finally, the massive increase in computing power has allowed us to implement more sophisticated and complex analysis routines.

The analyses themselves, the models that we fit and the algorithms that we run, are much much more complicated than they used to be. Having a basic understanding of these algorithms is difficult, even for a sophisticated person, and it’s almost impossible to describe these algorithms with words alone. Understanding what someone did in a data analysis now requires looking at code and scrutinizing the computer programs that people used.

The bottom line with all these different trends is that for every field “X”, there is now “Computational X”. There’s computational biology, computational astronomy—whatever it is you want, there is a computational version of it.

3.5 Air Pollution and Health: A Perfect Storm

One example of an area were reproducibility is important comes from research that I’ve conducted in the area of air pollution and health. Air pollution and health is a big field and it involves a confluence of features that emphasize the need for reproducibility.

The first feature is that we’re estimating very small, but very important, public health effects in the presence of a numerous much stronger signals. You can think about air pollution as something that’s perhaps harmful, but even if it were harmful there are likely many other things that are going to be more harmful that you have to worry about. Pollution is going to be at the very top of the list of things that are going to harm you. In other words, there’s an inherently weak signal there.

Second, the results of a lot of air pollution research inform substantial policy decisions. Many federal air pollution regulations in the United States are based on scientific research in this area and these regulations can affect a lot of stakeholders in government and industry.

Finally, we use a lot of complex statistical methods to do these studies and these statistical methods are subsequently subjected to intense scrutiny. The combination of an inherently weak signal, substantial policy impacts, and complex statistical methods almost require that the research that we do be reproducible.

3.6 Summary

  • Replication, whereby scientific questions are examined and verified independently by different scientists, is the gold standard for scientific validity.

  • Replication can be difficult and often there are no resources to independently replicate a study.

  • Reproducibility, whereby data and code are re-analyzed by independent scientists to obtain the same results of the original investigator, is a reasonable minimum standard when replication is not possible.

3.7 Questions