1 HOMEWORK 0 [Due 9/3]

For this homework please email the Course Instructor (Dr. Peng) the following information:

  1. A paragraph describing yourself and any other information that you wish to share so that I can get to know you a little.

  2. The type of computer/operating system you are using (Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, other)

The version of R that you have installed on your computer. To do this, start up R and run print(R.version.string) at the console and include the output in your email.

Printing the R version string

  1. The version of RStudio that you have installed on your computer. To do this start up RStudio and in the console window run print(RStudio.Version()$version) and again include the output in your email.

In your email please use the Subject line: 140.776 Setup

You can send your email to the Instructor at rdpeng@jhu.edu.

If you have any trouble with any of the steps above, please just send me an email anyway and tell me what problems you are having.