1 HOMEWORK 0 [Due 9/3]
For this homework please email the Course Instructor (Dr. Peng) the following information:
A paragraph describing yourself and any other information that you wish to share so that I can get to know you a little.
The type of computer/operating system you are using (Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, other)
The version of R that you have installed on your computer. To do this, start up R and run print(R.version.string)
at the console and include the output in your email.

Printing the R version string
- The version of RStudio that you have installed on your computer. To do this start up RStudio and in the console window run
and again include the output in your email.
In your email please use the Subject line: 140.776 Setup
You can send your email to the Instructor at rdpeng@jhu.edu
If you have any trouble with any of the steps above, please just send me an email anyway and tell me what problems you are having.