2.6 Debugging

The learning objectives of this section are:

  • Apply debugging tools to identify bugs in R programs

Debugging is the process of getting your expectations to converge with reality. When writing software in any language, we develop a certain set of expectations about how the software should behave and what it should do. But inevitably, when we run the software, it does something different from what we expected. In these situations, we need to engage in a process to determine if

  1. Our expectations were incorrect, based on the documented behavior of the software; or

  2. There is a problem with the code, such that the programming is not done in a way that will match expectations.

This is the process of debugging.

In the previous section, we discussed what to do when software generates conditions (errors, warnings, messages) in a manner that is completely expected. In those cases, we know that certain functions will generate errors and we want to handle them in a manner that is not the usual way.

This section describes the tools for debugging your software in R. R comes with a set of built-in tools for interactive debugging that can be useful for tracking down the source of problems. These functions are

  • browser(): an interactive debugging environment that allows you to step through code one expression at a time

  • debug() / debugonce(): a function that initiates the browser within a function

  • trace(): a function that allows you to temporarily insert pieces of code into other functions to modify their behavior

  • recover(): a function for navigating the function call stack after a function has thrown an error

  • traceback(): a function that prints out the function call stack after an error occurs but does nothing if there’s no error

2.6.1 traceback()

If an error occurs, the easiest thing to do is to immediately call the traceback() function. This function returns the function call stack just before the error occurred so that you can see what level of function calls the error occurred. If you have many functions calling each other in succession, the traceback() output can be useful for identifying where to go digging first.

For example, the following code gives an error.

check_n_value <- function(n) {
        if(n > 0) {
                stop("n should be <= 0")
error_if_n_is_greater_than_zero <- function(n){
Error in check_n_value(n): n should be <= 0

Running the traceback() function immediately after getting this error would give us

3: stop("n should be <= 0") at #2
2: check_n_value(n) at #2
1: error_if_n_is_greater_than_zero(5)

From the traceback, we can see that the error occurred in the check_n_value() function. Put another way, the stop() function was called from within the check_n_value() function.

2.6.2 Browsing a Function Environment

From the traceback output, it is often possible to determine in which function and on which line of code an error occurs. If you are the author of the code in question, one easy thing to do is to insert a call to the browser() function in the vicinity of the error (ideally, before the error occurs). The browser() function takes no arguments and is just placed wherever you want in the function. Once it is called, you will be in the browser environment, which is much like the regular R workspace environment except that you are inside a function.

check_n_value <- function(n) {
        if(n > 0) {
                browser()  ## Error occurs around here
                stop("n should be <= 0")

Now, when we call error_if_n_is_greater_than_zero(5), we will see the following.

Called from: check_n_value(n)

2.6.3 Tracing Functions

If you have easy access to the source code of a function (and can modify the code), then it’s usually easiest to insert browser() calls directly into the code as you track down various bugs. However, if you do not have easy access to a function’s code, or perhaps a function is inside a package that would require rebuilding after each edit, it is sometimes easier to make use of the trace() function to make temporary code modifications.

The simplest use of trace() is to just call trace() on a function without any other arguments.


Now, whenever check_n_value() is called by any other functions, you will see a message printed to the console indicating that the function was called.

trace: check_n_value
Error in check_n_value(n): n should be <= 0

Here we can see that check_n_value() was called once before the error occurred. But we can do more with trace(), such as inserting a call to browser() in a specific place, such as right before the call to stop().

We can obtain the expression numbers of each part of a function by calling as.list() on the body() of a function.


if (n > 0) {
    stop("n should be <= 0")

Here, the if statement is the second expression in the function (the first “expression” being the very beginning of the function). We can further break down the second expression as follows.


n > 0

    stop("n should be <= 0")

Now we can see the call to stop() is the third sub-expression within the second expression of the overall function. We can specify this to trace() by passing an integer vector wrapped in a list to the at argument.

trace("check_n_value", browser, at = list(c(2, 3)))
[1] "check_n_value"

The trace() function has a side effect of modifying the function and converting into a new object of class “functionWithTrace.”

Object with tracing code, class "functionWithTrace"
Original definition: 
function(n) {
        if(n > 0) {
                stop("n should be <= 0")

## (to see the tracing code, look at body(object))

You can see the internally modified code by calling

    if (n > 0) {
        .doTrace(browser(), "step 2,3")
            stop("n should be <= 0")

Here we can see that the code has been altered to add a call to browser() just before the call to stop().

We can add more complex expressions to a function by wrapping them in a call to quote() within the the trace() function. For example, we may only want to invoke certain behaviors depending on the local conditions of the function.

trace("check_n_value", quote({
        if(n == 5) {
                message("invoking the browser")
}), at = 2)
[1] "check_n_value"

Here, we only invoke the browser() if n is specifically 5.

            if (n == 5) {
                message("invoking the browser")
        }, "step 2")
        if (n > 0) {
            stop("n should be <= 0")

Debugging functions within a package is another key use case for trace(). For example, if we wanted to insert tracing code into the glm() function within the stats package, the only addition to the trace() call we would need is to provide the namespace information via the where argument.

trace("glm", browser, at = 4, where = asNamespace("stats"))
Tracing function "glm" in package "namespace:stats"
[1] "glm"

Here we show the first few expressions of the modified glm() function.

    cal <- match.call()
    if (is.character(family)) 
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
        .doTrace(browser(), "step 4")
        if (is.function(family)) 
            family <- family()
    if (is.null(family$family)) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")

2.6.4 Using debug() and debugonce()

The debug() and debugonce() functions can be called on other functions to turn on the “debugging state” of a function. Calling debug() on a function makes it such that when that function is called, you immediately enter a browser and can step through the code one expression at a time.

## Turn on debugging state for 'lm' function

A call to debug(f) where f is a function is basically equivalent to trace(f, browser) which will call the browser() function upon entering the function.

The debugging state is persistent, so once a function is flagged for debugging, it will remain flagged. Because it is easy to forget about the debugging state of a function, the debugonce() function turns on the debugging state the next time the function is called, but then turns it off after the browser is exited.

2.6.5 recover()

The recover() function is not often used but can be an essential tool when debugging complex code. Typically, you do not call recover() directly, but rather set it as the function to invoke anytime an error occurs in code. This can be done via the options() function.

options(error = recover)

Usually, when an error occurs in code, the code stops execution and you are brought back to the usual R console prompt. However, when recover() is in use and an error occurs, you are given the function call stack and a menu.

Error in check_n_value(n) : n should be <= 0

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

1: error_if_n_is_greater_than_zero(5)
2: #2: check_n_value(n)


Selecting a number from this menu will bring you into that function on the call stack and you will be placed in a browser environment. You can exit the browser and then return to this menu to jump to another function in the call stack.

The recover() function is very useful if an error is deep inside a nested series of function calls and it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where an error is occurring (so that you might use browser() or trace()). In such cases, the debug() function is often of little practical use because you may need to step through many many expressions before the error actually occurs. Another scenario is when there is a stochastic element to your code so that errors occur in an unpredictable way. Using recover() will allow you to browse the function environment only when the error eventually does occur.

2.6.6 Final Thoughts on Debugging

The debugging tools in any programming language can be essential for tracking down problems in code, especially when the code becomes complex and spans many lines. However, one should not lean on them too heavily so that they become a regular part of the programming process. It is easy to get into a situation where you “throw some code out there” and then let the debugger catch it before something bad happens. If you find yourself coding up a function and then immediately calling debug() on it, you are in this situation.

A better approach is to think carefully about what a function should do and then consider how to code it up. A few minutes of careful forethought can often save the hapless programmer hours of debugging.

2.6.7 Summary

  • Debugging in R is facilitated with the functions browser, debug, trace, recover, and traceback.

  • These debugging tools should not be used as a crutch when developing functions.